Biotin and pregnancy tests - Trying to Conceive | Forums | What to Expect (2025)

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I took 2 tests yesterday morning and night using the strips with BFN. 11DPO IUI. I feel pregnant but didn’t test today because I don’t want to worry all day at work. I have 500mcg Biotin in my prenatals (which is pure ingredients recommended by my infertility nutritionist). Been seeing biotin can affect results? I never used strips before with my daughter. I always used clearblue. I was on these same prenatals with my daughter and got a BFP on day 12DPO IUI with the digital. “Pregnant” I’m afraid to use one today because I saw negatives yesterday and know the clearblue will confirm if it’s true

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from what I’ve read it’s only FRER that’s affected by high levels of biotin. Typically it’s when women are taking their prenatal and an extra high dose supplement of biotin. If you’re taking just what’s in your prenatal and not using FRER then it’s likely not the biotin causing false negatives.

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I am experiencing this right now. Faint positive on 7/30 evening with FRER, completely negative on 7/31. I’m only 11 dpo, but I tested again last night and it was a stronger positive! I take my prenatal w/ biotin (I think like 30 mcg) in the evening before bed, and this morning negative again! Going to wait a few days without taking it and see what happens.

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I wouldn’t recommend skipping on your prenatals, in case you are pregnant. Maybe try another brand of tests and compare with first? Best of luck ������✨

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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